Health and happiness
The best way to live a happy, healthy life is to stay active, eat healthily, enjoy nature and be social.
Equity and local economy
Support your local economy by buying from independent retailers, opt for Fairtrade products where possible and check which companies are members of the Ethical Trading Initiative.
Culture and community
Get involved with your local community, meet new people and make it a better place to be by volunteering or joining a local group.
Be a tourist in your own area – from parks to museums there will be plenty to enjoy.
Land and nature
Even the smallest gardens can be havens for wildlife if you grow pollinator plants.
Avoid fertilisers or pesticides that harm wildlife (and people).
Sustainable water
Install a water butt in your garden and harvest rainwater for watering plants.
Be water conscious at home.
Local and sustainable food
Make the most of Australian produce and get locally grown veg delivered. If that’s not an option, try and shop seasonally in supermarkets or farmers markets (remember to take your own produce bags!).
Reduce food waste by planning meals ahead of time and only buying what you need.
Travel and transport
Why not swap to walking or cycling – you’ll save money and feel better for it.
Car-sharing is a great way to cut the carbon footprint of your commute.
Materials and products
Buy less stuff – turn to charity shops for clothes, share items like tools with your neighbours and swap books and films with your friends and family.
Buy better when you need to – opt for products that are sustainable, high-quality and that can be repaired.
Zero waste
Avoid using things that can’t be recycled easily - invest in reusable items like a water bottle, lunch box, coffee cup, cutlery and produce bags for fruit and veg. Steer clear of overly packaged items.
Repair things that break and recycle as much as you can – from food waste and packaging and old clothes and shoes to batteries.
Zero carbon energy
Swap to a green energy supplier if available, buy energy-efficient appliances and be energy-savvy – it’s not just about turning lights off!
Think about installing solar panels or insulating your house.